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Archive container for files

As the year draws to a close, the perennial question arises: "Where should we store last year's folders?". While some companies have embraced digital archiving, others in the midst of transitioning to a paperless office still contend with the physical storage of folders with years left in their retention period. To reclaim space, a container provides a secure solution. This file container can be situated on-site or in a depot (accessible with prior arrangement). Whether purchased or rented, it serves as a practical solution for this interim period.
Admin October 20, 2023 12 Comments
Storage system
In the configuration of a file container, we employ containers featuring a wooden floor, affixed with a standard office file shelf. For enhanced accessibility, the option of installing double shelves is available, accommodating an extensive file capacity. Opting for this configuration, our 20' container can comfortably store more than 1,500 files.
Lighting and labeling
When it comes to lighting options for file containers, choices range from basic ceiling lamps to more advanced LED models. Larger file containers can benefit from detailed lighting to ensure each folder is easily visible. In the case of smaller containers, natural daylight may suffice. To enhance organization, individual labeling of shelves provides better orientation within the container.
Safety first
For mobile file containers within a depot, it's crucial to equip shelves with safety features to prevent folders from tipping over during movement. For single-sided shelves against the wall, a simple solution like tension belts may suffice. However, for double-sided middle shelves, a fixed anti-tilt device is installed. Placing the container at higher positions enhances burglary resistance. Standard features include a lockbox, allowing attachment of a special lock for added security.
Document destruction
After the retention period expires and a successful audit, the outdated files can be securely disposed of directly from the container by utilizing a professional file destruction service.

Feel free to reach out to us for a professional consultation, without obligation and free of charge.

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